When we choose to Thrive, not just survive, an amazing thing happens. We start LIVING.
Yesterday a fellow Thespian from High School Kasey posted the following on Facebook:
"I was just brutally attacked in my neighborhood. Cops can't do anything but I can. Please wear purple tomorrow to fight anti-gay bullying."
I laid awake most of the night thinking not just about Kasey but, also about my Father and his partner. What if it had been them? The emotions that came with that made me ache in the deepest part of my body. After awhile I realized I wasn't just aching for the what if, I was aching because it had happened! It had happened to someone I know.
I haven't seen Kasey since 1997 (he graduated a year before me.) My memories of him were that he was "cool," talented (he has since had walk on roles on Bones and other shows) and he was confident. I had no idea the demons torturing him were a lot of the same demons tourtureing me throughout school..... BULLIES.
Kasey's amazing outlook on yesterday's events reminds me that sometimes THRIVING isn't the easiest of the choices to make.
I am proud of him for choosing to not just survive, but thrive.
there is no artful way to begin this. i'm gonna start out with "just the facts, ma'am" and see where that leads me.
Last night i took a walk down to the corner store to grab some beer and some snacks to bring home. i live in a safe, wonderful neighborhood. i'm a proud resident of west hollywood, ca - known as a safe haven for gays, lesbians, and all walks of humankind to live and reside in peace. as i was headed home from the store, i noticed a blue nissan versa slow down and pull up next to me. the passengers looked at me, then pulled into the driveway obstructing my short path home. the front passenger was completely inebriated (at 7:15 on wednesday - winner!), and started to spill out of the car and began squawking at me and shouting, "where you going with that beer?" i just kept on walking toward home, the vehicle sped off, and i thought nothing more of it.
actually. scratch that. i felt entitlement. a quality i normally abhor. i thought to myself, "this is MY neighborhood. i don't know who the fuck those guys think they are but i've lived here for years and they better fucking get the picture."
so i proceeded on my way, i was actually smiling. a beautiful night. headed home to my friends. i was happy. then i noticed a guy walking towards me on the sidewalk - normal weho looking dude - in a black hoodie and cream plaid shorts. as he approached me i made eye contact, as i often do. he ripped back his hood, screamed something unintelligible, and punched me in the throat. 3 times. so much so that i landed in the middle of traffic on fountain ave. long story short i ended up inexplicable bent over a civilian's car, getting the shit beat out of me by a complete stranger.
he hit my chest, my head, my ear, my cheek, my jaw. and since my arms were full of groceries, they were occupied and i couldn't defend myself. during the assault i kept thinking to myself all these ironic thoughts like , "oh my god. i can't believe this is happening. i'm a fucking HATE CRIME VICTIM?! no fucking way. not my story."
but then i came to and he had run off. gotten about 13 punches in. my groceries peppering fountain ave and my bottle of wine smashed on the hood of some innocent old corolla. "are you alright?" the driver asked. i picked up my groceries on the street. said yes, and that i think i was just assaulted. everyone nodded and sped off to wherever they were headed, and i was left alone. i'm not going to get into the aftermath with the west hollywood police and how they were totally insensitive - cavalier even - and told me there was "nothing they could do", then sped off. i had a fully detailed physical description of the car and the 4 abercrombie-clad frat boys inside. year. make. model. color. full physical description of the assailant. sorry, sir. bigger fish to fry
tonight. the reason i'm writing this is to
A) clear up all details of what happened. let you know i am, in fact, okay and will be fine in just a few. i'm sore. i can't fucking swallow. my body hurts. but i have in no way suffered grave danger.i can't believe the response i've had to this incident. i woke up to over 540 emails and facebook notifications wishing me well, sending me love, keeping me safe. people from all over the world - california, pacific northwest, nyc, the south, germany, - sending positive thoughts and love my way. its been a total game changer, in my book. people i haven't even heard from in 15 years telling me they had me in their thoughts. that they would vow to wear something purple today as a sign of solidarity against violence and bullying. which is reason
B), basically. i wasn't trying to be dramatic in putting this shit on facebook. i'm just.....oh....god you guys. i'm just...... i'm so tired. *tears*. :( .............i'm so tired of all this bullshit about people caring about matters that don't concern them. i live and let live and always hope others can one day do the same. i was bullied as a kid. shit got real - was damn near suicidal. all from the tormenting i got from closed minded classmates. classmates who, ironically, have since requested we totes become facebook friendsies. lol. etc.today, thursday 10/20 is spirit day. a day to establish a socially empathic, unified front to stand up against bullying and violence against gays, lesbians, blacks, chinese, hell.....whomever. to face the same direction together and say, "no. this isn't good enough. people are getting crazy. our kids are killing themselves. fucking STOP."
i'm sobbing as i type this because i got so many pictures today. pictures of my mother and father. pictures of my cousin and of senator patty murray and her entire staff. pictures of my boyfriend and i's gorgeous nieces. pictures of puppy's, teachers, soldiers, retail warriors. pictures of best friends and strangers across the world - all wearing purple. all of them. together. and fuck. if what happened helped incite some type of reaction towards this movement then i would damn near say it was worth it. goodnight.