Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Eggs


I was very pleased with the outcome of our eggstra special project

As this was my first time even boiling an egg (ya I know) let alone prep for coloring them, I was anxious to see the results.

Two things we did that I just loved the result of

1. Double dipped. When the egg was dry we re dipped it.

2. Polished with canola oil.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


OUTSIDE MY WINDOW: Is a world that passes me by, or is it me passing it by

I AM THINKING: That I finally had a day where I understand "Twins you have your hands full"

I AM THANKFUL FOR: The ability to go home at the end of the day.... see I am Thinking....

FROM THE LEARNING ROOMS: How to boil eggs and color them. I am sure I knew how but since they won't be my eggs I didn't want to mess it up

FROM THE KITCHEN: Tomorrow the smell of vinegar as Little Miss H and I dye eggs
I AM WEARING: A new black cardigan... I have been wanting one for a while and I'm so happy I found exactly the one I wanted for clearance for $9. I am also wearing wedge sandles needed to feel happier this am so I got pretty shoes on.

I AM CREATING: My blog... I'm having so much fun with it so far. Also I just created a FB group and it's already up to 28 members in 24 hours woot!!!
I AM GOING: To call Michaela back

I AM READING: New York City for Dumbies and about to start the first Twilight book
I AM HOPING: That Little Mr. T isn't sick for daddy tonight (see I am thankful for)

I AM HEARING: My tummy growl

AROUND MY HOUSE: Is my cat somewhere and a birds nest too (outside)

ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS: Yens.... lately I can't get enough of it
A FEW PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK: Most my plans got canceled but Easter is on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing my family. I think it's amazing that my dad is invited to my sister in law's mom's house. Love that we have a mixed family.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Popcorn, a good friend and a michael Jackson glove?

When is the last time a man wearing a white sparkly Michael Jackson glove counted down to the start of a movie for you?

I know for me it was just this past weekend.

I was sitting waiting for a movie to start with a good friend when the usher came in. We all were expecting to hear the normal "turn off your cell phones" but were in for a suprise.

In this economy some people are taking whatever job they can get. Some just punch that time clock as a sacrifice however, some do these jobs with pride!

Kudos to this young man who owned his job. It may not be the position he had hoped for but he owns it. He rallies the crowd up then slips on his Michael Jackson glove to count down to the movie. I just might frequent Bridgeport more often for a movie with hopes that you'll be our usher.

Another Kudos goes out to the Little Ceaser Sign holder on Pacific Hwy and Durham in Tigard. Rock on and thanks for always reminding me that our jobs are what we make them.

Are you Thriveing at your job? If not, why not?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby bottles in a parking garage

I found myself parking my nanny vehicle in the parking garage of the MAC (Multnomah Athletic Club) where my employers are members for the sole purpose of feeding the babies.

(There was a showing at their house and we were exiled for a few moments smack dab in the middle of lunch feeding while mom and sister were at a playdate.)

I was laughing at the fact that I had just drove a few miles and parked the car in the covered garage (it was raining which was why I went here) just to feed the twins.

From loading to unloading it was exactly and hour of our day from the time we left the house to the time we returned.

As this was my first day of THRIVE I started to laugh even hardeer at the fact that this was a very uneducational & uninteresting moment of the day.... however this is what worked for us as a longer outing at this time that could have included a stroll or people watching at starbucks would have messed with am nap or after lunch baths.

Normally I would have considered this a waisted hour.... but, due to Thrive I realized we could make the most of it.....

So. if you found yourself walking past a white suburban today in a parking garage in downtown portland and head some crazy person standing next to the vehicle's open door singing "Here comes Peter Cottontail" with gusto, you might have wondered what was going on..... simply it was a nanny thriving at her job.

Sure the babies would have been fed just the same if their nanny just stood there checking her facebook on her phone but that would have been just waisting the opportunity to have fun!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have a friend who has 1 month to live for every minute before she surrenders for a year in prison.

I'm sure she is going to live every moment she can planning for the future, loving on her kids and connecting with her husband. (He has already started his sentence.)

"L" is a sister in Christ, a mother of 3 and someone who simply made a stupid mistake.

I have known L my whole life. Scratch that, I have known of L my whole life. She is the little sister (read annoying follower we had to include) of my childhood best friend. However, I don't really know her. I have stayed in touch with her lately following her present story and have realized this is someone I NEED to get to know more and more importantly I WANT to get to know more. Through the last few months a friendship has started.

I have spent the last 2 evenings googling/researching what I can inorder to learn the best way to be a friend to someone serving time.

During this research I have come to the following conclusions:

- I take my freedom for granted
- I treat my wants as needs
- I am commiting to doing all I can for her as a friend

THIS NEXT MONTH I AM COMMITTING to Thriving.... to live every moment, every minute, every day as if it is important. This won't be easy for me. (My last FB update was a rant...) There will be stumbling and falling and flat out forgetting but my hope is that blogging will keep me accountable.

I want to know that when May arrives I am ready to take on the challenge of loving on this friend and feel as if I need to thive in my life in order to do that justly. How can I spend energy encouraging someone without encouraging myself first!